Tuesday, October 20, 2009

10-18-09 BOOED!

I really enjoy Halloween, and no Halloween is complete without a good booing! The kids 'delivered' the goods to the neighbors, it was great fun! We've already been 'booed' back!

Sneakin' down the street

10-17-09 Chillin' in Gruene

We went to Gruene TX again for market days. We walked, shopped, ate, got a few nice bottles of wine and headed home. It was a beautiful cool fall day.
Madison and her large green ball.

Che and Mike, waiting to eat.

me too

Madison and the ball

It's butterfly season, they are everywhere!!!

10-16-09 garden & home

I love the hummingbirds. We had a little visitor and I managed to get a photo.
Our garden is coming along. We think the previous renters had a garden because this started out as a random pumpkin plant growing. So we expanded and planted lots of other veggies. It's been fun to see everything growing well. All were started from seeds in the window.

Roses! We have about 6 rose bushes in our yard. And I know nothing about roses, but have managed not to kill them, in fact they are growing really well. The flowers are just beautiful.

10-14-09 Random creativity

I went to a craft bazaar this weekend and a lady had crocheted a barbie size living room, it was so cute, and of course I thought 'I can do that!' So I went home, searched the internet, found a pattern and in a few evenings we have a finished living room! Madison was thrilled, and even though she doesn't like barbies she found some littlest pet shop critters to enjoy their new furniture.

10-6-09 Grammy is 99!

Grammy turned 99! We sent her some flowers, and my parents went to visit with her. She's doing great!

10-2-09 Angie is 19!

Angie turned 19 (WOW) today! Since she is in Kentucky I didn't have any birthday photos of her, so I 'borrowed' these from her facebook page of her from college. Happy Birthday Angie!

9-28-09 Karate testing

Since moving to Texas we've had to start over with karate, which is fine, Mike tested for his stripes. Madison unfortunately was sick this week and had to wait until the following week to test.

Mike breaking boards.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

9-24-09 Chillin' with dogs

Thursday night is 'watch Survivor' night, it's a family event, dogs included :)
Tink keeping my feet warm.

Me and Madison

Mike, Madison, Tink and me

Mike curled up with Max.

9-18-09 Texas Sunrise

A friend of mine posts daily sunrise photos from Tampa on her facebook page, I felt inspired to share what Texas has to offer up at sunrise. The first couple are from my cell phone, while driving.

This is just in front of the flight line on the base.
I actually pulled over to take these.