Thursday, September 3, 2009

9-1-09 Hummingbirds

Our neighbor had told us that there were hummingbirds all over the place here. So I bought a nice, cheap, $3.00 feeder and hung it up. I didn't have high hopes but figured it was worth a shot, especially at that price. Much to our surprise we had several visitors come to our feeder. I bought a second, little bit nicer feeder since the first visits, although they really don't seem to care where the free food comes from!
This is one at my neighbors feeder

Found our feeder

Two came together this time

Zoom, darting away


  1. Potter would love this!! He is a birder much like Netsy was!!

  2. That's funny, Mike is very much my bird guy! Loves them. It was very neat to see.
