First, my best friend Michele (been friends since 2nd grade) came down from GA for the weekend just to see Buffett with us. Then my awesome neighbors (Dave, Curt, Scott and Joanie, Scott's cousin David and his wife Rosa) came as well. And some friends of ours from the military base (Ken, Molly, Pam, Amity, Tim and some others)came along and finally some of my friends from school (Dan, Lucy, Casey and Marissa) joined us. The tailgate party was so much fun, all these people from all different walks of life came together and acted like old buddies. It was so great, words just don't express how incredible it was.
First picture: Che, Court, Michele
Second picture: Dave, Jo and Scott
Third picture: Curt and Dave
Photos 1-9
1: Pam and Che
2: Tim
3: Tim's wife and Molly (Ken's wife)
4: Ken
5: Ken, Che and Dave
6: Michele and Che
7: Scott, Dave G., and Curt
8: Casey, Lucy, Marissa
9: Dave, Che, Court and Pam