Wednesday, June 17, 2009

6-17-09 Trip to Chautauqua, NY

I wish that this trip was for other reasons, maybe visiting new places, etc....the main reason is because it is a memorial service for my Aunt Netsy (my mother's sister). She passed away last November, cancer. I'm a nurse, seen that side of cancer and it's awful, no matter what, it hits you personally, in your soul...can't explain it really well in words, it's something within.
I'll not forget that day my mom called and told me Aunt Netsy passed on, I burst into tears and sobbed. My heart aches that she is gone and had to go through what she did. My only hope is that she is in a better place now and at peace. I'm thankful that we saw each other last February at the beach and I've always loved visiting with her and Uncle Bill. I hope this weekend will bring some closure, I'm sure I am not alone. Much love to you Aunt Netsy, I miss you.

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